11 Essential Things They Don't Want You To Know  (Part 1)

What your competitors don't want you to know, I have learned them from experts who are experienced and professional in online  business. When you’re starting out in your online journey, you will find that there are so many things to learn and much more to do. It will be daunting but do not let it stop you from moving on. Just keep going! Continue to learn and take actions and make progress, so that you can reach your goals.

I recall how terribly hard it was for me when I started out on my online business journey, and as daunting as it was to me, I have made progress. The journey has given me rich experience in what works and what doesn’t. 

I hope your journey has been much smoother than mine.

Here, I would like to share in 2 blogs the 11 essential things I’ve learned which the competitors don't want us to know. What I've learned has helped me to progress further in my online journey. Here are the first 5 things that I've learned.

1. Follow the mentor

Learn from the expert, the one who knows, the one who knows more than you, or the one who has been where you are now. He/she has figured it out and has the experience of booking success and encountering failures. He/she knows the ups-and-downs in the journey, the good and bad tools and so much more. 

By having a mentor, you will acquire useful knowledge and advance in your  journey. You will learn something valuable to take with you and implement it in your own business. In this, you are able to emulate what he/she did to succeed.

2. Know where you are and where you want to go

I know how awkward it is to put my name out there online, and share my online business journey. For the reason that I want to help others  and change lives, I must be brave enough to be online.

Perhaps, unlike me, you might be a very sociable person and you might feel really comfortable to be online on social media, then you already have an edge above many in this journey.

Ask yourself, “Where am I currently in my online business journey?” and “Where is my journey heading to?”

These 2 questions are powerful because they will help you to determine what you want and what your goals are. It helps you to start a mind map.

3. Do research. 

Doing research is something I do a lot when starting out. Basically, you should do research on everything you have doubts or questions about.

Do research on the lessons you learned from any training you got (e.g. SEO etc), the tools recommended (Auto responders, plugins, hostings etc), and on your niche. 

4. Create your website

To create a website or not is debatable as there are many opinions out there. My opinion is that creating a website, your own website, is an added advantage to your online business. The reasons for this are: 

a) Central hub

Your website is the central hub for all your blog posts, pages, offers, your opinions, rants, and money links. 

b) Boost Authenticity

A website can help to affirm your authenticity. Visitors to your website or to your other product offers are able to find you online and find out more about what you’re doing.

You might say, you have social media and therefore, you needn’t have a website, and I must say, that you’re right. However, social media platforms are not yours and for example, on FB, FB can put your profile in ‘jail’ and that causes tension for you as you can’t use your profile or to do ads and all that you depend on from that FB platform to perform.

The advantage of having your own site in this case, is that you are the one in charge. Hence, the best I think, is to have social media platforms’ links in your website.

5. Provide value 

If we find a product is working well, then we introduce it to others, because our goal is to help others first before making a profit. 

Remember ‘Do unto others what you would like them to do for you’.

Some marketers are not for providing value but are only interested in selling their products and making money. That is when a buyer like myself, bought a crappy product that is either outdated or has insufficient information to help me progress towards my goals. I’m sure some of you have had this similar experience.

Therefore, we should provide value to our customers, with the aim of helping them and not causing pain.

Read part 2, the continuation of this blog here.

To your success,


P/S: If you want to learn more on moving forward in your online journey, start here where John Thornhill who is a successful online marketer and coach has a business program which you may learn more here.

JT business program

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