How to Start a Blog Without Selling Your Soul!

When I told my good friend that I was going to start a blog, she was taken by surprise and quipped, “Oh! You are going to be an influencer!” I explained to her that I wasn't going to be an influencer but a blogger who provides information or value to others just like some influencers but without having to flaunt my face on people's mobile screens.

So today, I'm going to share how to start a blog using just 11 very easy steps, and it won't be near to soul-selling. Assuming that you have an idea of what you want to blog about, your niche, and you are ready to blog and let the world know about what you will share.

choose domainn nameStep 1. Choose a domain name, and website name. 

Choose a name that reflects your niche or the area of your business. There is no hard rule in choosing a domain name or a website name. Preferably, choose the name with an extension ‘.com' (dot com) for your domain and website

Even though there is no hard rule on how you choose those names, the point to keep in mind is that you come up with names that are somewhat connected to your niche and blog content.

Your first website name should be the same as your domain name or has some kind of similarity.

 Step 2. Get a domain

There are many domain name registrar and their pricing range from $1.00 to $200 per month.  Here is some domain hosting Bluehost, NameCheap, D9Hosting, SiteGround, and GDI.

Getting a domain does not get your website installed and running. More needs to be done.

Step 3. Get a website and web hosting

Bluehost and D9Hosting are both domain registrar and web hosting. You may create a website directly using their platform or you could use a website builder such as Wix, GoDaddy, HostGator, IONOS, and Weebly.

laptop wordpressStep 4. Use WordPress on your website

Install WordPress on your website. WordPress is easy to use and reliable. It is a content management system (CMS). You can use it to customize your blog, portfolio and overall reflecting your business.


Step 5. Choose a site theme.

A site theme is a template that contains style settings and much more which enables you to create a website. It has a content editor and blog templates which you can use to write blogs or edit pages, place a button, stick an image and so much more.

Step 6. Go through the Settings

On the Dashboard of WordPress, go through the Settings. Choose your settings for comments, profile etc. Importantly, for permalink structure, choose Postname.

Step 7. Add plugins.

There are plugins which you should have prior to starting your first blog.

Install WordPress Classic Editor. By default, the WordPress block editor is available but not the Classic Editor.

About me

Step 8. Add Pages. Start with About Page on ‘About me'.

Write about you, who are you, what you desire, your story, your experiences in both joyous time and hardship, how you overcomeyour struggles, what are you currently struggling and the actions you are taking to overcome those challenges.

Step 9. Add Posts.

Adding a post is where you create your first blog post. You might want to welcome your readers with a short message and let them know what your blog site is about.

Step 10. Add logo and favicon

You may create your own logo or favicon using free tools or paid tools online but they will not be as good as images created by a professional. This is not due to the design itself but rather, due to the quality. The professional designer is able to create the design in retina images which are of high quality.

Step 11. Add Policy

What is need to be added under Pages are Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer, and Cookie Policy.

Now, you may start blogging by adding your first blog post on your journey.

Now, you are ready to really start blogging about your journey in your building your online business.

Go, Get Ready!

Want to learn more? Join former factory worker and currently, million-dollar marketer, John Thornhill as he reveals his proven method for building a successful online business.

Click here to get started.

Feel free to comment and tell us which step you struggle with.

To your success,



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